First Class Academy Inc.
First Class Academy Inc.
First Class Academy Inc. depends on your support to run our award-winning programs. Please click to make a donation.

Effective Instruction for learners
with disabilities
To help learners overcome challenges during tutoring sessions, we may choose to do the following:
Use multi-sensory materials/aids.
Highlight key points and concepts. Break lengthy concepts/assignments into shorter segments.
Allow time for processing.
Repeat directions/concepts/explanations. Check for understanding frequently. Conduct your sessions in a quiet location without distractions.
Identifying learners
with special needs
The best way to talk about learning disabilities is to talk about learning. We learn 3 ways, by seeing (visual processing), hearing, and (auditory processing) and doing (tactile/kinesthetic processing). Within each of these 3 categories there are 9 sub-categories of processing.
Typically when one is struggling with learning reading, writing, or math it is due to one or more of these sub-categories of processing not working as efficiently as they could, should, and can. These skills are all learned and can easily be improved. We provide a pre/post educational assessment to guide the member's person centered portfolio and direct instruction.

Special Education
Special Education
Learners who are determined eligible for special education services meet the following:
The learner has a disability or disabilities.
The learner's disability/disabilities adversely affect educational performance.
Eligibility is based on a comprehensive initial evaluation which includes all of the existing data gathered about the learner through the referral process. The initial evaluation report is used to determine what special education and related services the student needs.
Reading Recovery Program
If your child has difficulty in acquiring reading skills in k-2. Don't wait!! If overlooked or disregarded, these difficulties will be compounded in succeeding grade levels causing your child to fall even further behind. This usually becomes obvious in the 2nd grade when the pictures in books start to disappear and the words become more challenging. By now your child will already have a large gap to overcome in any subject. Our tutoring program engages members with rigorous instruction in phonics, expanding their vocabulary, reading comprehension techniques, grammar/punctuation and written expression.